Internship Paperwork


You must complete the internship contract to be able to register for credit. Please pick up a contract in the Office of Career Services or click on the appropriate contract below. Your site supervisor, as well as the supervising faculty member, will sign off on the approved number of credits and content of the internship. The contract will also be signed by the student intern and the Director of Career Services. Once all signatures have been obtained, return the contract to the Office of Career Services for registration. Contracts are due the first day of class each semester or by May 1 for all summer internships.

Generic Internship Contract

Business Internship Contract


Successful completion of an RMC internship requires midterm and final evaluations completed and submitted by the site supervisor. These will be sent to the supervisors during the course of the internship. It is the student intern's responsibility to ensure they are returned to the Office of Career Services by the indicated deadline. Students will also be asked to complete a self evaluation of their internship experience. Copies of the evaluation forms can be found below.



Interns are required to complete 45 hours of work for each credit they intend to earn for their internship. Students must provide verification of those hours through pay stubs or time logs signed by their site supervisors. Time logs can be turned in throughout the internship or at the end of the internship.


Career Services
Bair Family Student Center 116