RMC Authorization

Who does this apply to

Students residing out-of-state who are taking online courses from Rocky Mountain College.

Complaint Resolution

Rocky Mountain College prides itself on providing high quality education.  If a conflict does arise we will work to resolve your grievances, complaints, and concerns fairly.

You are required to initially address complaints directly with Rocky Mountain College. Please email: piltza@rocky.edu

Complaints that are unresolved after working directly with RMC may use the complaint process in your state of residence:  rocky.edu/state-contact-info-online-students

Individuals enrolled in an online or distance course with Rocky Mountain College and residing outside of the State of Montana may utilize the student complaint process.

Rocky Mountain College students residing outside of the State of Montana may also have an opportunity to utilize the complaint processes in their state of residence. A list of information regarding the complaint processes of other states can be found here.